Saturday, May 8, 2010

2 Debuts in 2 Days

Ohh mayne yesterday(friday) was my vbank's debut and it was pretty much funn lol like throwback friend as partner for 18 roses and candles, shiiii it was soo funn and oo man i didnt get to eat and i drank nuff white wine which was only available =/ lol soo i had to deal with it pretty much but w/e i got somewhat tipsy, and i haven't gotten tipsy in time soo im juss sayin FUN TIMES WIT SHERMAINE DUPREE lol and Poola ahaha was REALLY FUNNY lol but yee I REALLY ENJOYED IT got home at 3:45 wit roy dats what im sayin lol ahahaha.... and today's well saturday's debut was ACF4L's ya noe and it was sooo funnny can't believe it lol 18 candles and roses her bros were soo jokes ye i met yu in 92 lol AHAHAHAHA and SAFETY RULES killed it lol was soo funny, after that we had A JOKE SESSION and it went from racial to racial to even more racial to even more worse racial to CLEAN jokes(mr.clean) to sexist jokes to sexual jokes lmao ahaha man i have to admit i haven't had that much fun in a long time and yeee I WOULDNT TRADE ANYTHING IN THE WORLD FOR IT LOL MCDONALDS AT 2:30 i think and meetin ppl comin from a club (ONE LOOKED LIKE BOBBY LEE YAMANASHI LMAO Dwade) and also b4 debut chia things and i had talk times ya noe and CHOREO session we somewhat finished soo i gotta give my 2 day's 4x39742039890280 out of 10 cuzz they WERE OUTRAGEOUSLY funnnnnnnn
how do you get a watermelon pregnant (pukwan) flip JOKE =) ya noe to my flip friends =)

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