Friday, December 31, 2010

What 2011????!!!!!

Hey there it has been awhile since I have posted anything in around 3 months. I kind of miss posting stuff here on this probably since baseball ended. So yeah the year is coming to an end and its been one hell of a ride forsure like wtfudge. I swear grade 12 was one sick minded test of life I swear all the pressure had been put on and trying to live up to expectations from parents... But its cool laxing too much in that grade made me realize how much I have to put my all into everything I do. And within the 3 months of just doing nightschool and getting to know my parents and learnin about their life styles and how much they sacrifice for my sister and I. Learning all of this I feel that everything I do should have an 100 percent effort where it comes from studies, baseball, and even making choreography, all the things I do should be efforted. All the 2010 moments that I will always remember are Paula's Debut, Nicolette's Debut, OLMC Talent Show'10, Graduation, Prom, After Prom, my baseball season where we went somewhat far with a No chemistry team and me pitchng practiclly evey game. But there are a lot of amazing times I probably don't remember at the moment but yoo PRIME TIMES are jokes lol. Man crazy bum time. I am praying and hoping for an awesome time with family and friends and my baseball team and if still running Dynamic. I really hope the best for everyone and myself and that everyone will have an amazing upcoming year. Goodbye 2010 you have treated us well and some not so well because you are trying to teach or make people stronger. I pray and hope everyone will have a great 2011 and I hope everything will have a great year and everyone to have good health, wealth, and a positive and good year.